Alt + ← : 元に戻る Alt + → : 先へ進む 基本的によく使うのは元に戻るですので、このショートカットをWindows+Spaceでできるようにしたいです。 keyhacのconfig.pyに以下のように記述します。
keymap_global[ "U0-Space" ] = "A-Left"
- ウインドウの操作をするキーバインド
- マウスカーソルを操作するためのキーバインド
- clipbord管理ソフトを起動するキーバインド
- アプリケーションのランチャーをたちあげるキーバインド
たとえばさきほど記述したkeymap_global[ “U0-Space” ]は、アプリたちあげのためのショートカットとしてすでに登録されているのです。またこのU0というのがそもそもなんなのかがわからなかったりするかもしれません。
アプリケーションキー + C でウインドウをとじる
keymap_global[ "LWin-C" ] = close # Close the window keymap.replaceKey( "Apps", "LWin" )
import sys import os import datetime import pyauto from keyhac import * def configure(keymap): # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Text editer setting for editting config.py file # Setting with program file path (Simple usage) if 1: keymap.editor = "notepad.exe" # Setting with callable object (Advanced usage) if 0: def editor(path): shellExecute( None, "notepad.exe", '"%s"'% path, "" ) keymap.editor = editor # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Customizing the display # Font keymap.setFont( "MS Gothic", 12 ) # Theme keymap.setTheme("black") # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Simple key replacement keymap.replaceKey( "LWin", 235 ) #keymap.replaceKey( "RWin", 255 ) # User modifier key definition keymap.defineModifier( 235, "User0" ) # Global keymap which affects any windows if 1: keymap_global = keymap.defineWindowKeymap() # USER0-Up/Down/Left/Right : Move active window by 10 pixel unit keymap_global[ "U0-Left" ] = keymap.MoveWindowCommand( -10, 0 ) keymap_global[ "U0-Right" ] = keymap.MoveWindowCommand( +10, 0 ) keymap_global[ "U0-Up" ] = keymap.MoveWindowCommand( 0, -10 ) keymap_global[ "U0-Down" ] = keymap.MoveWindowCommand( 0, +10 ) # USER0-Shift-Up/Down/Left/Right : Move active window by 1 pixel unit keymap_global[ "U0-S-Left" ] = keymap.MoveWindowCommand( -1, 0 ) keymap_global[ "U0-S-Right" ] = keymap.MoveWindowCommand( +1, 0 ) keymap_global[ "U0-S-Up" ] = keymap.MoveWindowCommand( 0, -1 ) keymap_global[ "U0-S-Down" ] = keymap.MoveWindowCommand( 0, +1 ) # USER0-Ctrl-Up/Down/Left/Right : Move active window to screen edges keymap_global[ "U0-C-Left" ] = keymap.MoveWindowToMonitorEdgeCommand(0) keymap_global[ "U0-C-Right" ] = keymap.MoveWindowToMonitorEdgeCommand(2) keymap_global[ "U0-C-Up" ] = keymap.MoveWindowToMonitorEdgeCommand(1) keymap_global[ "U0-C-Down" ] = keymap.MoveWindowToMonitorEdgeCommand(3) # Clipboard history related keymap_global[ "C-S-Z" ] = keymap.command_ClipboardList # Open the clipboard history list keymap_global[ "C-S-X" ] = keymap.command_ClipboardRotate # Move the most recent history to tail keymap_global[ "C-S-A-X" ] = keymap.command_ClipboardRemove # Remove the most recent history keymap.quote_mark = "> " # Mark for quote pasting # Keyboard macro #keymap_global[ "U0-0" ] = keymap.command_RecordToggle #keymap_global[ "U0-1" ] = keymap.command_RecordStart #keymap_global[ "U0-2" ] = keymap.command_RecordStop #keymap_global[ "U0-3" ] = keymap.command_RecordPlay #keymap_global[ "U0-4" ] = keymap.command_RecordClear # USER0-F1 : Test of launching application if 1: keymap_global[ "U0-F1" ] = keymap.ShellExecuteCommand( None, "notepad.exe", "", "" ) # USER0-F2 : Test of sub thread execution using JobQueue/JobItem if 1: def command_JobTest(): def jobTest(job_item): shellExecute( None, "notepad.exe", "", "" ) def jobTestFinished(job_item): print( "Done." ) job_item = JobItem( jobTest, jobTestFinished ) JobQueue.defaultQueue().enqueue(job_item) keymap_global[ "U0-F2" ] = command_JobTest # Test of Cron (periodic sub thread procedure) if 0: def cronPing(cron_item): os.system( "ping -n 3 www.google.com" ) cron_item = CronItem( cronPing, 3.0 ) CronTable.defaultCronTable().add(cron_item) # USER0-F : Activation of specific window if 1: keymap_global[ "U0-F" ] = keymap.ActivateWindowCommand( "cfiler.exe", "CfilerWindowClass" ) # USER0-E : Activate specific window or launch application if the window doesn't exist if 1: def command_ActivateOrExecuteNotepad(): wnd = Window.find( "Notepad", None ) if wnd: if wnd.isMinimized(): wnd.restore() wnd = wnd.getLastActivePopup() wnd.setForeground() else: executeFunc = keymap.ShellExecuteCommand( None, "notepad.exe", "", "" ) executeFunc() keymap_global[ "U0-E" ] = command_ActivateOrExecuteNotepad # Ctrl-Tab : Switching between console related windows if 1: def isConsoleWindow(wnd): if wnd.getClassName() in ("PuTTY","MinTTY","CkwWindowClass"): return True return False keymap_console = keymap.defineWindowKeymap( check_func=isConsoleWindow ) def command_SwitchConsole(): root = pyauto.Window.getDesktop() last_console = None wnd = root.getFirstChild() while wnd: if isConsoleWindow(wnd): last_console = wnd wnd = wnd.getNext() if last_console: last_console.setForeground() keymap_console[ "C-TAB" ] = command_SwitchConsole # USER0-Space : Application launcher using custom list window if 1: def command_PopApplicationList(): # If the list window is already opened, just close it if keymap.isListWindowOpened(): keymap.cancelListWindow() return def popApplicationList(): applications = [ ( "Notepad", keymap.ShellExecuteCommand( None, "notepad.exe", "", "" ) ), ( "Paint", keymap.ShellExecuteCommand( None, "mspaint.exe", "", "" ) ), ] websites = [ ( "Google", keymap.ShellExecuteCommand( None, "https://www.google.co.jp/", "", "" ) ), ( "Facebook", keymap.ShellExecuteCommand( None, "https://www.facebook.com/", "", "" ) ), ( "Twitter", keymap.ShellExecuteCommand( None, "https://twitter.com/", "", "" ) ), ] listers = [ ( "App", cblister_FixedPhrase(applications) ), ( "WebSite", cblister_FixedPhrase(websites) ), ] item, mod = keymap.popListWindow(listers) if item: item[1]() # Because the blocking procedure cannot be executed in the key-hook, # delayed-execute the procedure by delayedCall(). keymap.delayedCall( popApplicationList, 0 ) #keymap_global[ "U0-Space" ] = command_PopApplicationList # USER0-Alt-Up/Down/Left/Right/Space/PageUp/PageDown : Virtul mouse operation by keyboard if 1: keymap_global[ "U0-A-Left" ] = keymap.MouseMoveCommand(-10,0) keymap_global[ "U0-A-Right" ] = keymap.MouseMoveCommand(10,0) keymap_global[ "U0-A-Up" ] = keymap.MouseMoveCommand(0,-10) keymap_global[ "U0-A-Down" ] = keymap.MouseMoveCommand(0,10) keymap_global[ "D-U0-A-Space" ] = keymap.MouseButtonDownCommand('left') keymap_global[ "U-U0-A-Space" ] = keymap.MouseButtonUpCommand('left') keymap_global[ "U0-A-PageUp" ] = keymap.MouseWheelCommand(1.0) keymap_global[ "U0-A-PageDown" ] = keymap.MouseWheelCommand(-1.0) keymap_global[ "U0-A-Home" ] = keymap.MouseHorizontalWheelCommand(-1.0) keymap_global[ "U0-A-End" ] = keymap.MouseHorizontalWheelCommand(1.0) # Execute the System commands by sendMessage if 1: def close(): wnd = keymap.getTopLevelWindow() wnd.sendMessage( WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE ) def screenSaver(): wnd = keymap.getTopLevelWindow() wnd.sendMessage( WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_SCREENSAVE ) keymap_global[ "U0-C" ] = close # Close the window keymap_global[ "U0-S" ] = screenSaver # Start the screen-saver # Test of text input if 1: keymap_global[ "U0-H" ] = keymap.InputTextCommand( "Hello / こんにちは" ) # For Edit box, assigning Delete to C-D, etc if 1: keymap_edit = keymap.defineWindowKeymap( class_name="Edit" ) keymap_edit[ "C-D" ] = "Delete" # Delete keymap_edit[ "C-H" ] = "Back" # Backspace keymap_edit[ "C-K" ] = "S-End","C-X" # Removing following text # Customize Notepad as Emacs-ish # Because the keymap condition of keymap_edit overlaps with keymap_notepad, # both these two keymaps are applied in mixed manner. if 1: keymap_notepad = keymap.defineWindowKeymap( exe_name="notepad.exe", class_name="Edit" ) # Define Ctrl-X as the first key of multi-stroke keys #keymap_notepad[ "C-X" ] = keymap.defineMultiStrokeKeymap("C-X") #keymap_notepad[ "C-P" ] = "Up" # Move cursor up #keymap_notepad[ "C-N" ] = "Down" # Move cursor down #keymap_notepad[ "C-F" ] = "Right" # Move cursor right #keymap_notepad[ "C-B" ] = "Left" # Move cursor left #keymap_notepad[ "C-A" ] = "Home" # Move to beginning of line #keymap_notepad[ "C-E" ] = "End" # Move to end of line #keymap_notepad[ "A-F" ] = "C-Right" # Word right #keymap_notepad[ "A-B" ] = "C-Left" # Word left #keymap_notepad[ "C-V" ] = "PageDown" # Page down #keymap_notepad[ "A-V" ] = "PageUp" # page up #keymap_notepad[ "A-Comma" ] = "C-Home" # Beginning of the document #keymap_notepad[ "A-Period" ] = "C-End" # End of the document #keymap_notepad[ "C-X" ][ "C-F" ] = "C-O" # Open file #keymap_notepad[ "C-X" ][ "C-S" ] = "C-S" # Save #keymap_notepad[ "C-X" ][ "C-W" ] = "A-F","A-A" # Save as #keymap_notepad[ "C-X" ][ "U" ] = "C-Z" # Undo #keymap_notepad[ "C-S" ] = "C-F" # Search #keymap_notepad[ "A-X" ] = "C-G" # Jump to specified line number #keymap_notepad[ "C-X" ][ "H" ] = "C-A" # Select all #keymap_notepad[ "C-W" ] = "C-X" # Cut #keymap_notepad[ "A-W" ] = "C-C" # Copy #keymap_notepad[ "C-Y" ] = "C-V" # Paste #keymap_notepad[ "C-X" ][ "C-C" ] = "A-F4" # Exit keymap_global[ "C-A" ] = "Home" # Move to beginning of line keymap_global[ "C-E" ] = "End" # Move to end of line keymap_global[ "C-Q" ] = "Delete" keymap_global[ "C-W" ] = "Enter" keymap_global[ "C-R" ] = "C-A" keymap_global[ "U0-A" ] = "Home" # Move to beginning of line keymap_global[ "U0-E" ] = "End" # Move to end of lines keymap_global[ "U0-Q" ] = "Delete" keymap_global[ "U0-W" ] = "Enter" keymap_global[ "U0-R" ] = "C-A" keymap_global[ "U0-C" ] = "C-C" keymap_global[ "U0-F" ] = "C-F" keymap_global[ "U0-X" ] = "C-X" keymap_global[ "U0-V" ] = "C-V" keymap_global[ "U0-S" ] = "C-S" keymap_global[ "U0-P" ] = "C-P" keymap_global[ "U0-D" ] = "C-D" keymap_global[ "U0-K" ] = "C-K" keymap_global[ "U0-Shift-A" ] = "Shift-Home" keymap_global[ "U0-Shift-E" ] = "Shift-End" keymap_global[ "BackQuote" ] = "Tab" keymap_global[ "Tab" ] = "Left" keymap_global[ "F1" ] = "Up" keymap_global[ "LAlt" ] = "Down" keymap_global[ "RAlt" ] = "Right" keymap_global[ "Caps" ] = "Alt-BackQuote" keymap_global[ "LWin-Right" ] = "LWin-C-Right" keymap_global[ "LWin-Left" ] = "LWin-C-Left" keymap_global[ "LWin-Up" ] = "Home" keymap_global[ "LWin-Down" ] = "End" keymap_global[ "U0-Space" ] = "A-Left" keymap_global[ "LWin-C" ] = close # Close the window keymap.replaceKey( "Apps", "LWin" ) # Customizing clipboard history list if 1: # Enable clipboard monitoring hook (Default:Enabled) keymap.clipboard_history.enableHook(True) # Maximum number of clipboard history (Default:1000) keymap.clipboard_history.maxnum = 1000 # Total maximum size of clipboard history (Default:10MB) keymap.clipboard_history.quota = 10*1024*1024 # Fixed phrases fixed_items = [ ( "name@server.net", "name@server.net" ), ( "Address", "San Francisco, CA 94128" ), ( "Phone number", "03-4567-8901" ), ] # Return formatted date-time string def dateAndTime(fmt): def _dateAndTime(): return datetime.datetime.now().strftime(fmt) return _dateAndTime # Date-time datetime_items = [ ( "YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS", dateAndTime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") ), ( "YYYY/MM/DD", dateAndTime("%Y/%m/%d") ), ( "HH:MM:SS", dateAndTime("%H:%M:%S") ), ( "YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS", dateAndTime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") ), ( "YYYYMMDD", dateAndTime("%Y%m%d") ), ( "HHMMSS", dateAndTime("%H%M%S") ), ] # Add quote mark to current clipboard contents def quoteClipboardText(): s = getClipboardText() lines = s.splitlines(True) s = "" for line in lines: s += keymap.quote_mark + line return s # Indent current clipboard contents def indentClipboardText(): s = getClipboardText() lines = s.splitlines(True) s = "" for line in lines: if line.lstrip(): line = " " * 4 + line s += line return s # Unindent current clipboard contents def unindentClipboardText(): s = getClipboardText() lines = s.splitlines(True) s = "" for line in lines: for i in range(4+1): if i>=len(line) : break if line[i]=='\t': i+=1 break if line[i]!=' ': break s += line[i:] return s full_width_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!”#$%&’()*+,−./:;<=>?@[¥]^_‘{|}~0123456789 " half_width_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~0123456789 " # Convert to half-with characters def toHalfWidthClipboardText(): s = getClipboardText() s = s.translate(str.maketrans(full_width_chars,half_width_chars)) return s # Convert to full-with characters def toFullWidthClipboardText(): s = getClipboardText() s = s.translate(str.maketrans(half_width_chars,full_width_chars)) return s # Save the clipboard contents as a file in Desktop directory def command_SaveClipboardToDesktop(): text = getClipboardText() if not text: return # Convert to utf-8 / CR-LF utf8_bom = b"\xEF\xBB\xBF" text = text.replace("\r\n","\n") text = text.replace("\r","\n") text = text.replace("\n","\r\n") text = text.encode( encoding="utf-8" ) # Save in Desktop directory fullpath = os.path.join( getDesktopPath(), datetime.datetime.now().strftime("clip_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.txt") ) fd = open( fullpath, "wb" ) fd.write(utf8_bom) fd.write(text) fd.close() # Open by the text editor keymap.editTextFile(fullpath) # Menu item list other_items = [ ( "Quote clipboard", quoteClipboardText ), ( "Indent clipboard", indentClipboardText ), ( "Unindent clipboard", unindentClipboardText ), ( "", None ), ( "To Half-Width", toHalfWidthClipboardText ), ( "To Full-Width", toFullWidthClipboardText ), ( "", None ), ( "Save clipboard to Desktop", command_SaveClipboardToDesktop ), ( "", None ), ( "Edit config.py", keymap.command_EditConfig ), ( "Reload config.py", keymap.command_ReloadConfig ), ] # Clipboard history list extensions keymap.cblisters += [ ( "Fixed phrase", cblister_FixedPhrase(fixed_items) ), ( "Date-time", cblister_FixedPhrase(datetime_items) ), ( "Others", cblister_FixedPhrase(other_items) ), ]
keyhacの作者は天才だと思います。 keyhacを使って自分好みのキーバインドに変更してみてください。では。